ChannelOrder Enumeration

ChannelOrder is used to identify the channel order of a VideoFrame.


Namespace: Dfx.Sdk
Assembly: Nuralogix.Dfx.Sdk (in Nuralogix.Dfx.Sdk.dll) Version: (
public enum ChannelOrder


Typically, OpenCV uses BGRA but different client platforms have different internal representations which can be identified through the ChannelOrder format so the library knows where to find the channels of interest when processing regions of interest.


BGR1 Channels are provided in blue, green, red order
RGB2 Channels are provided in red, green, blue order
BGRA3 Channels are provided in blue, green, red, alpha order
RGBA4 Channels are provided in red, green, blue, alpha order
INFRARED5 Channels are provided as 8-bit infrared
INFRARED8886 Channels are provided as 3-channels of 8-bit infrared
BGR_INFRARED7 Channels are provided in blue, green, red, infrared order
RGB_INFRARED8 Channels are provided in red, green, blue, infrared order
GRAY9 Channels are provided as gray scale

See Also