Getting started

This section will show you how to initialize and configure the library as well as working with the internal session.

Once you configured the library, you can call endpoints using either http or websocket transports.


import client from '';
const apiClient = client();

Though not necessary, you can also use the new keyword when initializing the client, if you like.

const apiClient = new client();

Setting custom URLs

By default, the http and WebSocket URLs are pre-configured as follows and there is no need to set them.

wss: wss://

If you want to use a custom URL when you initialize the client then you can pass a URL object <IUrl> as follows:

const apiClient = client({
    url: {
        http: new URL(''),
        wss: new URL('wss://')

If you want to use a custom URL after you initialized the client then you can pass a URL object <IUrl> as follows:

const apiClient = client();
apiClient.url = {
  http: new URL(''),
  wss: new URL('wss://')


The library keeps an internal session <ISession> object and populates/clears some properties when different endpoints are called.

For example when http.organizations.registerLicense method is called then the deviceToken and deviceRefreshToken are set or when http.users.login is called then userToken and userRefreshToken are set.

If you want to manually set any of these properties, then you can do as follow:

const apiClient = client();
apiClient.session = { deviceToken: 'your-device-token'};

and the library will only update that single property keeping the other properties previously set intact.

You can also set multiple properties all at once. This is useful when you already

have this information stored in another location such as localStorage and want to load

them without making network calls:

const apiClient = client();
apiClient.session = { deviceToken: 'your-device-token', userToken: 'your-user-token' };