Defined in dfx/api/UserAPI.hpp
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::create(const CloudConfig &config, const std::string &email, const std::string &password, const std::string &role, const std::string &firstName, const std::string &lastName, const std::string &phoneNumber, const std::string &gender, const std::string &dateOfBirth, const uint16_t heightCM, const uint16_t weightKG, std::string &userID)
Create a user on the DFX Cloud.
A JWT User Token is required to perform operations with the DFX Cloud, to obtain a User Token a user must exist on the system and login using their username and password combination.
Only a user with the administrator role for an organization can create a user account.
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
email – the email address for the account being created
password – the password associated with the newly created account
role – the role the created user will have
firstName – (Optional)the firstName the created user will have
lastName – (Optional)the lastName the created user will have
phoneNumber – (Optional)user phoneNumber
gender – (Optional)user gender
dateOfBirth – (Optional)user dateOfBirth “YYYY-MM-DD”
heightCM – (Optional)user height
weightKG – (Optional)user weight
userID – the unique identifier for the created account
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::list(const CloudConfig &config, const std::unordered_map<UserFilter, std::string> &filters, uint16_t offset, std::vector<User> &users, int16_t &totalCount)
Retrieve the users visible to the logged in user on the DFX Cloud server.
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
filters –
offset – to start the retrieval of records up to config.listLimit
users – the vector where the returned users will be added
totalCount – the total number of records on the server
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::retrieve(const CloudConfig &config, const std::string &userID, const std::string &email, User &user)
Retrieve a user from the server based on the userID and/or email.
Only one of userID or email is required and the other can be left empty except in the case where the email is used across multiple organizations and the userID is required.
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
userID – unique ID of the user being retrieved
email – the associated email address of the account
user – the retrieved user account
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::update(const CloudConfig &config, const User &user)
Update a user on the server.
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
user – account to update
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::remove(const CloudConfig &config, const std::string &userID, const std::string &email)
Remove a user from the server based on the userID and/or email.
Only one of userID or email is required and the other can be left empty except in the case where the email is used across multiple organizations and the userID is required.
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
userID – unique ID of the user being retrieved
email – the associated email address of the account
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::reqLoginCode(const CloudConfig &config, const std::string &sOrgKey, const std::string &sPhoNum)
get login verification code.
Use mobile phone number to get login verification code First of all, the mobile phone number is the number of the registered user The obtained code will be notified by SMS
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
sOrgKey – User organization name
sPhoNum – Phone number
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::loginWithPhoneCode(CloudConfig &config, const std::string &sOrgKey, const std::string &sPhoNum, const std::string &sPhoCode)
login with verification code
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
sOrgKey – User organization name
sPhoNum – Phone number
sPhoCode – verification code
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::retrieveUserRole(const CloudConfig &config, UserRole &userRole)
Get the current user role information.
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
userRole – the retrieved user role
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::sendPasswordReset(const CloudConfig &config, const std::string &sIdentifier, std::string &sResetToken)
Password reset request.
Dispatches a password reset request email to the user which contains a reset password token. Upon retrieving this value the token is used against the Reset Password endpoint
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
sIdentifier – Organization identification
sResetToken – the retrieved Reset Token
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::resetPassword(const CloudConfig &config, const std::string &sPassword, const std::string &sResetToken)
reset password
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
sPassword – New password
sResetToken – Reset Token
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::sendVerificationCode(const CloudConfig &config, const std::string &sUserID, const std::string &sOrgKey)
Sends an account verification code to the user’s email address.
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
sUserID – user id
sOrgKey – User organization id
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS
virtual CloudStatus dfx::api::UserAPI::verifyAccount(const CloudConfig &config, const std::string &sUserID, const std::string &sVerCode)
reset password
- Parameters
config – provides all the cloud configuration settings
sUserID – user id
sVerCode – Verification Code
- Returns
status of operation, CLOUD_OK on SUCCESS