Anura Core SDK package manifest

Package contents of Anura Core SDK for Android

The Anura Core SDK for Android sample project looks like:

Android Sample Project

Binaries included

  1. Anura Core SDK (~26.9 MB): includes arm64-v8a DFX SDK native libraries

  2. OpenCV (~6 MB): a streamlined OpenCV package


The sizes listed above refer to uncompressed binary files; the actual increase in your application's size won't match these figures exactly. For instance, compiling the Sample App with all the dependencies for Android yields a .apk file of approximately 44 MB.

Source included

  1. ExampleStartActivity: An Activity for entering user demographics information and Partner ID. It also demonstrates communicating with DeepAffex Cloud API to register the license and validate the device token

  2. AnuraExampleMeasurementActivity: The main Activity with the measurement UI that demonstrates how to use Anura Core APIs, and it is similar to the NuraLogix Anura app

  3. ExampleResultsActivity: An example activity that displays all of the results received from DeepAffex Cloud in a list

  4. SampleTokenStore: A sample implementation of the TokenStore required for Anura Core to handle expired/invalid tokens and to renew them automatically

Package contents of Anura Core SDK for iOS

The Anura Core SDK for iOS sample project looks like:

iOS Sample Project

Binaries included

  1. AnuraCore.xcframework (~4.6 MB): Anura Core dynamic framework

  2. libdfx.xcframework (~10.5 MB): DeepAffex Extraction Library dynamic framework

  3. FaceMesh.xcframework (~26.6 MB): MediaPipe FaceMesh dynamic framework


The sizes listed above refer to uncompressed binary files; the actual increase in your application's size won't match these figures exactly. For instance, compiling the Sample App with all the dependencies for iOS yields a .ipa file of approximately 17 MB.

Sources included

  1. Config: A configuration file used by the Sample App to set the application's DeepAffex configuration: license key, study ID, and API hostname

  2. StartViewController: A UIViewController for entering user demographic information and Partner ID. It also demonstrates how to setup AnuraMeasurementViewController and DeepAffexMiniAPIClient to begin taking measurements using DeepAffex Cloud.

  3. UserDemographics: A struct that validates user demographic information

  4. MeasurementUIConfiguration+CustomTheme: an example theme to show how to customize the measurement UI

  5. MeasurementDelegate: An example class to respond to various events from DeepAffex Cloud and AnuraCore to customize the app behaviour

  6. MeasurementResultsSubscriber: Creates and Manages a WebSocket connection to DeepAffex Cloud API to subscribe to realtime results

  7. ExampleResultsViewController: An example UIViewController that displays all of the results received from DeepAffex Cloud in a list