Anura Core SDK for Android

Anura Core SDK for Android provides all the essential components for integrating NuraLogix Affective AI and DeepAffex into your Android application. It includes DeepAffex Extraction Library, a DeepAffex Cloud API client, a camera control module, a face tracker, and other components to allow your application to take measurements using DeepAffex. This is the same SDK used to build Anura Lite by NuraLogix.

Anura Core SDK for Android has a pipeline architecture (Source, Pipe and Sink modules). A typical measurement pipeline is shown below:

Android Video Pipeline


The latest version of the Anura Core SDK for Android is 2.4. It requires Android 7.1 (API Level 25) or higher. For a detailed list of requirements, please refer to the platform requirements chapter.

Getting Started

Accessing Anura Core SDK and Sample App

Please contact NuraLogix to get access to the private Git repository.


Anura Core SDK for Android AARs are included in the app/libs folder of the Sample App. You can set up project dependencies in your build.gradle as shown below:

// Anura Core SDK
implementation(name: 'anura-core-sdk-', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'anura-opencv-4.5.1', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'dfxsdk-4.13.4', ext: 'aar')
implementation(name: 'dfxextras-0.1.8', ext: 'aar')

// Anura Core SDK Dependencies
ext.kotlinXJsonSerialization = "1.1.0"
ext.mediaPipeVersion = "0.10.15"
ext.websocketVersion = "1.4.1"
ext.gsonVersion = "2.9.0"

implementation "$mediaPipeVersion"
implementation "$mediaPipeVersion"
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:$kotlinXJsonSerialization"
implementation "$gsonVersion"
implementation "$websocketVersion"

DeepAffex License Key and Study ID

Before your application can connect to DeepAffex Cloud API, you will need a valid DeepAffex license key and Study ID, which can be found on DeepAffex Dashboard.

The included Sample App sets the DeepAffex license key and Study ID in app/ file, which would get included in the application at build time.

Below is the included starting template app/

# Caution: Do not use quotation marks when filling the values below.

# Your DeepAffex License Key and Study ID can be found on DeepAffex Dashboard


# These URLs are for the International DeepAffex service.
# If the app is operating in Mainland China, replace "ai" with "cn"
# See more regional clusters:


You can then remove the .template suffix and you should be able to run sample app and take a measurement.

Measurement Pipeline

Anura Core SDK for Android provides a MeasurementPipeline interface that connects the various components of the SDK, from fetching camera video frames all the way through rendering the video in the UI. It also provides listener callback methods to observe the measurement state, and to receive and parse results from DeepAffex Cloud.

The included Sample App demonstrates how to set up a MeasurementPipeline and manage its lifecycle. The example provided in AnuraExampleMeasurementActivity showcases how to use and setup MeasurementPipeline.

The setup of the MeasurementPipeline has a few components:


Please see section Handling Measurement State below on implementation details.


The Core manages the threads and dispatching work to the various components of Anura Core SDK.

core = Core.createAnuraCore(this)

Face Tracker

By default we use the MediaPipeFaceTracker.

val display = resources.displayMetrics
val width = display.widthPixels
val height = display.heightPixels

faceTracker = MediaPipeFaceTracker(core.context)
faceTracker.setTrackingRegion(0, 0, width, height)


Setting up the renderer requires 2 components, the VideoFormat and the Render.

The VideoFormat details the format of the camera video frames, while the Render is responsible for rendering the camera video frames in the UI.

Anura Core SDK includes a Render class based on OpenGL.

videoFormat = VideoFormat(

val usingOvalUI = measurementUIConfig.measurementOutlineStyle ==
render = Render.createGL20Render(videoFormat, usingOvalUI)


A configurations map is passed to the pipeline to customize the behaviour of various stages of the MeasurementPipeline.

val configurations = HashMap<String, Configuration<*, *>>()
val cameraConfig = getCameraConfiguration()
val dfxPipeConfig = getDfxPipeConfiguration()
val renderingVideoSinkConfig = getRenderingVideoSinkConfig()

configurations[] = cameraConfig
configurations[] = dfxPipeConfig
configurations[] = renderingVideoSinkConfig

The CameraConfiguration class will allow you to set a specific Camera ID to use to open the camera if the default behaviour is not suitable for your use case, along with changing the Camera Flip setting.

The RenderingVideoSinkConfig controls whether the histograms will be updated or not, if histograms are not turned on then this should be set to false.

val renderingVideoSinkConfig = RenderingVideoSinkConfig(application.applicationContext, null)

The DfxPipeConfiguration is used to configure DeepAffex Extraction Library and the Constraint System.

By default, we set the following face constraints; presence, position, distance, rotation, and movement.

This can be easily toggled using;

val dfxPipeConfiguration = DfxPipeConfiguration(applicationContext, null)

The behaviour of the constraints can be further customized using the setRuntimeParameter function of the DfxPipeConfiguration.



We bring all of the components above together to create the pipeline as shown below.

measurementPipeline =
        MEASUREMENT_DURATION.toInt(), // default 30.0
        getStudyFileByteData(), // Study File as a ByteArray
        getConfigurations(), // customizations of the pipeline

UI Components

The MeasurementView displays the various UI elements on top of the camera view (measurement outline, histograms, heart image, etc). You'll need to set the measurement duration and assign a renderer. See AnuraExampleMeasurementActivity for all of the behaviour handled by the MeasurementView.

measurementView.trackerImageView.setRenderer(render as Renderer)

Starting a Measurement

The MeasurementPipeline interface provides a simple function call to start a measurement. The SDK will automatically handle making the API calls to DeepAffex Cloud API over WebSocket:

  • Create Measurement: Creates a measurement on DeepAffex Cloud and generates a Measurement ID.
  • Subscribe to Results: Get results in real-time during a measurement, and when a measurement is complete.
  • Add Data: Send facial blood-flow data collected by DeepAffex Extraction Library to DeepAffex Cloud for processing

Measurement Questionnaire and Partner ID

Your application can include user demographic information and medical history when taking a measurement:

val measurementQuestionnaire = MeasurementQuestionnaire().apply {
    smoking = false
    bloodPressureMedication = true


Partner ID can hold a unique-per-user identifier, or any other value which could be used to link your application's end users with their measurements taken on DeepAffex Cloud. This is because your application's end users are considered anonymous users on DeepAffex Cloud.

For more information, please refer to:

Handling Measurement State

Your application can observe MeasurementState of MeasurementPipeline through this MeasurementPipelineListener callback method:

fun onMeasurementStateLiveData(measurementState: LiveData<MeasurementState>?) { ... }

This allows your application to respond to events from MeasurementPipeline and update the UI accordingly. Please refer to AnuraExampleMeasurementActivity for an example on how to best handle MeasurementState changes.

Measurement Results

MeasurementPipelineListener provides 2 callback methods for getting measurement results during and after a measurement is complete:

* Called during a measurement
fun onMeasurementPartialResult(payload: ChunkPayload?, results: MeasurementResults) { ... }

* Called when a measurement is complete
fun onMeasurementDone(payload: ChunkPayload?, results: MeasurementResults) { ... }

These callback methods pass a MeasurementResults instance that contains the results of the current measurement so far, which can be accessed through 2 methods:

* Returns all the current results for each signal ID in a `[String]: [SignalResult]` hash map
val allResults : Map<String, SignalResult>

* Get the current result for a [signalID]
* @return A Double value of the result. If the provided signal ID doesn't have a result,
* it returns `Double.NaN`
fun result(signalID: String): Double

For a list of all the available results from DeepAffex and signal IDs, please refer to DeepAffex Points Reference.

Measurement Constraints

Anura Core SDK utilizes the Constraints system of DeepAffex Extraction Library to check the user's face position and movement, and provide actionable feedback to the user to increase the chances of a successful measurement. MeasurementPipelineListener provides a callback method to check for constraint violations:

fun onMeasurementConstraint(
    isMeasuring: Boolean,
    status: ConstraintResult.ConstraintStatus,
    constraints: MutableMap<String, ConstraintResult.ConstraintStatus>
) { 

Please refer to AnuraExampleMeasurementActivity for an example on how to best handle constraint violations and display feedback to the user.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Early Measurement Cancellation

DeepAffex Cloud will occasionally fail to return a measurement result. This usually occurs when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the extracted blood-flow signal isn't good enough due to insufficient lighting or too much user or camera movement.

In such a scenario, your application might prefer to cancel the measurement early and provide feedback to the user to improve the measurement conditions.

MeasurementPipeline interface provides a method to check the SNR of the measurement and determine if the measurement should be cancelled:

fun shouldCancelMeasurement(SNR: Double, chunkOrder: Int): Boolean

The SNR of the measurement so far is available from MeasurementResults. Below is an example of how to cancel a measurement early:

fun onMeasurementPartialResult(payload: ChunkPayload?, results: MeasurementResults) {
    if (measurementPipeline.shouldCancelMeasurement(results.snr, results.chunkOrder)) {
        // Show feedback to the user that the measurement was cancelled early

Measurement UI Customization

The measurement UI can be customized through MeasurementUIConfiguration. By default, MeasurementUIConfiguration will provide a measurement UI similar to the one in Anura Lite by NuraLogix.

Below is an example of the parameters that can be adjusted by MeasurementUIConfiguration:

val customMeasurementUIConfig = MeasurementUIConfiguration().apply {
    measurementOutlineStyle = MeasurementUIConfiguration.MeasurementOutlineStyle.OVAL
    showHistograms = true
    overlayBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE
    measurementOutlineActiveColor = Color.BLACK
    measurementOutlineInactiveColor = Color.WHITE
    histogramActiveColor = Color.YELLOW
    histogramInactiveColor = Color.GREEN
    statusMessagesTextColor = Color.CYAN
    timerTextColor = Color.BLUE


The MeasurementView class also provides some helper methods to modify the icon at the top, the methods are;

  with(measurementView) {
    showAnuraIcon(boolean show)
    setIconImageResource(int resourceId)
    setIconHeightFromTop(int marginTop)

A screenshot is shown below: