
In order to customize the style of the measurement screen to match your brand identity, a stylesheet can be provided to control the colors and background images.

The Stylesheet

The provided sample stylesheet (docs/wms-styles.css) can be used as a template to style the measurement page, the following classes can be customized (please refer to the image below):

#CSS Class NameDescription
1header-logoCustomize the icon, note that customization provided here will override the value set by the config link.
2main-headerCustomize the header of the page, a background color / image can be provided. display property can be set to none to hide the header completely.
3header-iconCustomize the color of the header icon, display property can be set to none to hide icon.
4main-bodyCustomize the background color / image of the main body of the measurement screen.
5start-camera-buttonControls the Start Camera button. This can be used to control the background / text color, the width of the button and the text style. In order to control the different states of the button, classes for :hover and :active can also be specified.
6measurement-canvasControls the background of the measurement canvas before the camera is started, a background color or image can be specified.
7start-measurement-buttonControls the Start Measurement button. This can be used to control the background / text color, as well as the width of the button and the text style. In order to control the different states of the button, classes for :hover and :active can also be specified.
8mobile-top-barControls the background color of the toolbar at the top of the screen on mobile devices.
9mobile-top-bar-iconControls the color of the buttons in the toolbar at the top of the measurement screen on mobile devices.
10cameraSelectRootControls the styling of the camera dropdown menu when unexpanded.
11MuiMenu-listControls the styling of the camera dropdown menu when expanded. The background color of the list can be specified here.
12MuiMenuItem-root:hoverControls the styling of the individual menu items of the camera dropdown menu during mouse hover.
13cameraMenuItem:focusControls the styling of the individual menu items of the camera dropdown menu when in focus.
14measurementHelpButtonControls the styling of the help button on desktop devices.

Styles Measurement button styles Mobile top bar styles


The customized stylesheet should be hosted publicly and the URL is to be shared with Nuralogix team in order to update its setting in your config ID.