Users, Profiles and Anonymous Measurements


Endpoints in this group are related to managing users associated with an Organization.

User Login

Users have to login and obtain a User Token pair before they can make measurements that will be associated with them. This is useful for getting historical results which can be used to track long term health.

You can use the Users.Login endpoint to login using an email address and the Auths.RequestLoginCode and Users.LoginWithPhoneCode to login using a phone number.

User Logout

There is no explicit endpoint for user logout. However simply destroying the user token locally is enough to be considered a logout.

Other endpoints in this group are discussed in more detail on the DeepAffex API Apiary.


By default every measurement is accompanied by user and device identifiers, which were used to create it. However, there are scenarios where this is not enough.

One such scenario would be a user using the same device to make a measurement on behalf of someone else. For instance, an individual making a measurement for a family member or a researcher making measurements on multiple subjects.

User Subprofiles using UserProfileID

In order to address such scenarios and further differentiate measurements within the same user/device pair, a UserProfileID can be used. Profiles are linked to a user.

There's no upper limit on a number of profiles for given user, and DeepAffex Cloud API can be used to manage a full lifecycle of those using the Profiles endpoints.

Anonymous Measurements

Though the DeepAffex Cloud API provides a complete set of methods to maintain end user accounts, some API consumers ("partners") might prefer to not use these facilities for reasons like privacy concerns or already having a database of users and not wanting to maintain an external copy of it. In such situations you can create anonymous measurements without obtaining a User Token pair, using just a Device Token instead.

Anonymous Measurements using PartnerID

However, without a link between the partner's users and their anonymous measurements, any analysis of such measurements will not be possible. This link can be created by adding a PartnerID to the measurements while calling the Measurements.Create endpoint. PartnerID is a 2 to 148 characters long string.

PartnerID can hold a unique-per-user identifier, or any other value which could help to reconcile measurements with users later using the Measurements.List and Measurements.Retrieve endpoints.

For some billing plans (e.g., pay-per-anonymous-user) providing a PartnerID may be mandatory.