Regions and clusters

The DeepAffex Cloud API is a connected mesh of distributed AWS clusters, each of which is hosted within a specific geographic region of the globe.


Each distinct DeepAffex cluster provides coverage across a designated region. This regional partitioning of service operates according to defined continent-based geolocation rules that use AWS's DNS Traffic Policy Lookup to manage all IP routing of the originating connection to the destination DeepAffex endpoint. The table below summarizes the rules.

Geographic location and associated routing rules

Rule nameCluster nameCluster locationUsed by regionComment
Defaultna-eastNorth America (Northern Virginia, USA)North America, Africa, Australia, AntarcticaThe default rule applied when none of the others apply
Europeeu-centralEurope (Frankfurt, Germany)Europe, Saudi ArabiaFor Saudi Arabia, overrides Asia rule
South Americasa-eastSouth America (Sao Paulo, Brazil)South America
Asiaas-eastAsia (Tokyo, Japan)AsiaExcept Saudi Arabia

Routing Options

Two routing options are available to NuraLogix integration partners who have licensed access to the DeepAffex API.

The details of both these options follow.

Option #1: Default Routing (no region locking)

With this option, you would use the global URL: for all network calls to the DeepAffex Cloud API. Network traffic from each edge device will be routed to the cluster determined using the routing rules described in the table above.

  • Data processing: Data will be processed by the cluster determined by the routing rules.

  • Results storage: If your DeepAffex ORG is configured to store results, they will be stored in the cluster-name encoded in the active Device Token. This is the cluster that was used to obtain the token, either by registering a license or by renewing a token.

Note: The purpose of the default routing rules is to manage regional requirements for data localization and processing of customer traffic with the DeepAffex Cloud. It's important to recognize that these requirements are often contradictory, imprecise and lack consistency between customers so these routing rules may not satisfy all use-cases. If this default behaviour isn't desirable, please see the Region Locking alternative below.

URLs Where Routing Rules Are Applied

ServiceRouting URL
DeepAffex API
DeepAffex Dashboard
Anura Web Consumer
Anura Web Enterprise / Web Measurement Service

Checking Which Rules Apply To You

It's possible to check in advance which region your device will be routed to by calling the following endpoint:


You may also visit in a browser from the region you want to check.

The response, will contain the "Region" field:

{ ..., "Region":"na-east" }

If you want to check a different location, you may need to use a VPN.


Some examples of operating territories and the clusters they resolve to:

Operating territoryResolves to clusterRule applied
Australiana-east (Virginia, USA)Default
Canadana-east (Virginia, USA)Default
Colombiana-east (Virginia, USA)South America
Indiaas-east (Tokyo, Asia)Asia
Japanas-east (Tokyo, Asia)Asia
New Zealandna-east (Virginia, USA)Default
Saudi Arabiaeu-central (Frankfurt, Germany)Europe
South Africana-east (Virginia, USA)Default
Spaineu-central (Frankfurt, Germany)Europe
UAEas-east (Tokyo, Asia)Asia

Option #2: Region Locking

With this option, you use a specific DeepAffex cluster URL for all network calls to the DeepAffex Cloud. In this scenario, the integrator can entirely bypass our routing rules and instead lock access to a specific DeepAffex cluster.

  • Data processing: Data will be processed by the specific DeepAffex cluster used.

  • Results storage: If your DeepAffex ORG is configured to store measurement results, then results will be stored by the specific DeepAffex cluster used.

If region locking is a requirement for you, then please use the direct regional URLs shown below. For these URLs, data is processed (and results stored if configured) on the DeepAffex cluster corresponding to the specified URL.

Direct regional URLs