Edit My Information
In this section, you can edit your personal profile information and add a Password Recovery Email for additional security.
We highly encourage you to provide a separate Recovery Email (different from your sign-up email) that will be used in case of a password reset. If added to the Password Recovery Email field, a not verified status is automatically displayed below the field, and a verification email will be sent to the Recovery Email. The status will be automatically updated to verified once the Recovery Email has been successfully verified. In case the verification email expires or cannot be found, the verification email can be sent again by clicking the RESEND RECOVERY VERIFICATION button next to the status.
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You can also update your Recovery Email this page. Once updated by clicking the Save button, a new verification email will be sent to the new Recovery Email for verification. Please note that once a Recovery Email is added, it cannot be removed but can only be updated, ensuring that your password reset information remains protected.
If a password reset is initiated with the verified Recovery Email, you will get a One-Time Password (OTP) on your Recovery Email in addition to the password reset link sent to your sign-up email. Click on the link in your sign-up email and enter the new passwords along with the OTP received in your Recovery Email to complete the password reset process.
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(Click here to open a larger version of this picture in a new window)